Variety WA Developmental Assessment

We are currently not able to accept referrals for this service. Please contact us on or complete the enquiry form below to register your expression of interest in future programs.

Variety WA empowers Western Australian children who are living with disability, serious illness or experiencing disadvantage to live, laugh and learn.

Variety WA Developmental Assessment

Variety WA Developmental Assessment

Fly2Health are delighted to be partnering with Variety WA to deliver FREE developmental assessments to children in rural and remote WA who meet the below criteria:

– under the age of 6

– has identified developmental concerns

– has financial or geographical challenges accessing assessment services

– is not receiving other funded services, such as NDIS

– resides in the Goldfields, Esperance, Midwest, Murchison or central wheatbelt regions of Western Australia


The service will include:
– 45 minute assessment with a Speech Pathologist, and/or Occupational therapist (to be completed at local clinic and/or school)
– 15 minute summary feedback session (online or over the phone) to discuss the results of the assessment and recommendations
– A brief summary report will be completed including recommendations, and shared with the referrer and parent/guardian.


Please complete a referral form to access this service

Variety WA Developmental Assessment Image